Weekly US Mail Traffic Report – November 15, 2021 Another Good Week for the Postal Service
November 16, 2021   Dave Lewis

I know, I know! I roll my eyes at the Industry Alerts with USPS patting themselves on the back, but, for at least another week, the numbers back them up.

First-Class Letters were on time 90.06% of the time based on previous delivery service standards, down about 5 percentage points from the prior week. Again, this is not using the new, slower standards. Using these same standards, First-Class flats were delivered on-time 85.90% of the time. And when they were late, they were quite late – 11.68% of the First-Class flats we tracked were more than 5 days late by the old standards.  Every number is an improvement over the previous week.

Marketing Mail Letters were on time 96.05% of the time, up more than a point from the prior week. Again, a MUCH more generous standard. Marketing Mail flats were delivered on time 92.32% of the time, ending a four-week decline.

Average Intra-SCF delivery time was 2.10 days for Marketing Mail letters, 2.12 days for Marketing Mail flats. At the risk of sounding like a broken record – both are among the best weeks they have had since May.

Slowest SCFs for Intra-SCF delivery week of 11/08:
·        South Florida, FL:  12.66 days
·        Philadelphia, PA: 4.22 days
·        Jacksonville, FL:    3.96 days
The fastest:
·        Jackson, MS: 1.17 days
·        Eureka, CA:    1.18 days
·        Pensacola, FL:  1.24 days

A letter from California to Maryland, on average, took:
·        First-Class:          3.08 days
·        Marketing Mail:  8.06 days

So, go ahead and pat your favorite postal employee on the back – they had a great week!

Map of the week:
A tale of two SCF’s. These two maps are for Marketing Mail Letters, using data for the last two weeks. The mail in the map on the left was inducted in Palatine, IL, while the mail in the map on the right was inducted in Carol Stream, IL. Another demonstration of why you need to track your mail. 

Nov 15 Map

All figures based on qualified pieces tracked by SnailWorks. For more detailed information, subscribe to the SnailWorks newsletter.
