Upsell Your Direct Mail Solutions
January 26, 2023   Karen Bartram

Direct mail is a fantastic tool for generating leads and responses, but marketers some times forget about the great return on investment direct mail delivers and focus only on the cost. There is a perception that marketing budgets are better spent on digital advertising than snail mail, and it’s not easy to convince marketers otherwise. If you want to upsell your direct mail solutions to clients, you must first sell them on the benefits. Clients will only buy what you’re selling if they believe it will boost their business and increase their overall ROI. That’s literally the bottom line. Keep reading for tips on how to add real value that your clients can’t refuse.

Leverage USPS promotions and tools as services

You know more about the USPS than your clients ever will. Do not take that familiarity for granted. Knowledge is indeed power – the power to add value to current and potential clients. Establish your brand as an authority on direct mail by sharing information that can benefit your client’s bottom line. They may not understand everything about the direct mail process – but they expect you to.

Here are some examples of how you can leverage the USPS and its free tools to your advantage:

  • Get clients extra impressions on their mailing with Informed Delivery  – in essence you can offer them a digital touch to their direct mail at a very reasonable price
  • Include trackable personalized QR codes as an additional response path to their direct mail package
  • Provide direct mail solutions to smaller businesses and political candidates through local use of Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM)
  • Save clients thousands by upselling your integration tools to meet USPS criteria for promotional discounts

Utilize these tools and more, at little-to-no cost to them, and clients won’t be looking for another mail house anytime soon.

Use the tools at your disposal

Every mail service provider is different. Play to your business’s strengths and turn your client’s weaknesses into personal opportunities. Learn about your customer’s business and identify any problems that your services may be able to solve. Perhaps they are struggling with their direct mail ROI, and you can provide cutting-edge technology like mail tracking services to track their mail in real-time. Or maybe they need campaign integration, and you can provide a digital connection through QR codes, PURLs, and direct mail retargeting. It’s hard for a client to say no to something that they need, but it is easy if they do not know that they need it. Talk to your clients to get a better understanding of their business goals and provide direct mail solutions to meet them. Many marketers will be surprised at just how much direct  mail can do for them, and they’ll remember who taught it to them, too.

Hit them with the facts

There’s no better way to convince someone than with hard facts – especially if that someone is a marketer. Present positive statistics that showcase just how beneficial your services can be. Case studies from previous successes can help a marketer to justify an increase in their direct mail budget to make room for increases in their bottom line. That could mean improved lead gen, conversions, or even responses. Every time you help a client in any of these ways, make a note of it and use it to your advantage next time. If you are a newer mail house with less to show, you can use statistics from the industry at large to your benefit.

Add to your suite of services

In conclusion, the most effective way to upsell your clients is to not just offer direct mail solutions – but to be the direct mail solution they can rely on. Clients are far more likely to buy anything you sell if you have proven yourself able to get consistent results. Combining all the methods listed here will offer a comprehensive service that your clients never knew they needed but will be happy to have. SnailWorks mail tracking services offers an easy way to add limitless value to your direct mail solutions. Help clients to target more efficiently, track their mail, manage their Informed Delivery advertising, and so much more. It’s easier to upsell when there’s more to sell – so keep growing your suite of services with SnailWorks, today.  

Contact us for more information.
